Installing (encrypted) Arch Linux on an Apple MacBook Pro

In the style of Michael Chladek, I thought it would be useful to my future-self and others, if I wrote up a summary of installing Arch Linux on Apple MacBook hardware. Of course there are other guides out there, but this one is specific to the needs of someone looking for a minimalist, reproducible, secure, performance oriented installation of Arch Linux.

In following this guide, I’ve made some decisions that are entirely based on my own (subjective) opinions. These opinions are based on my experiences with other operating systems and distros, and a number of window managers I’ve tried.

My decisions (take them or leave them):

  • Distribution: Arch Linux
  • Full disk encryption: On
  • Window Manager: Awesome
  • Typography: infinality-bundle with the “Free” preset

This article assumes you’re currently running on a MacBook Pro between generation 7,1 (Mid-2010), 8,2 (Early-2011) or 11,3 (Late-2013). It assumes you’re running OS X and already have some experience with Linux commands, disk partitions and GNU/Linux. I’ve tested this guide on both of the above generations, but I’m assuming it’ll work on anything in between. However, I make no guarantees.

If you just want to get on to the installation, skip to this link: Installing Arch.


This article will be installing Arch Linux alongside OS X, dual-booting such that you can easily boot into either. I recommend this, even if you’re not going to be using OS X at all, because right now (and likely for the foreseeable future) the only way to get firmware updates installed on your machine will be via OS X. There have been Linux kernel–MacBook Pro firmware compatibility issues in the past that have been fixed by OS X updates that installed firmware fixes.

I assume you have already repartitioned your drive giving you plenty of free space for Arch. On my 500GB drive, I left 80GB for OS X (probably much more than really necessary) and the rest I left free for Arch.


For commands typed as the normal user, I will not prefix them:

uname -a

For commands that need to be executed as a root account, i will prefix them with a hash-mark: #

# uname -a


Why Apple

I’ve been using OS X as my primary OS since 2011 when I bought my first Apple product, the 15” MacBook Pro 8,2− which I still use today (March 2016, on which I’m writing this article). This alone is a testament to its’ longevity as a computing platform. The industrial design of the hardware is a pleasure to the eyes and is much imitated. The hardware feels wonderful to the touch. I’ve disassembled a few of them, and despite the security screws, they’re fairly easy to repair or upgrade. Only recently had I felt that its’ age was starting to show, so last week I doubled the ram from 8GB to 16GB and upgraded the hard drive to a 512GB SSD. This should provide at least another two years of life for this hardware.

Recently however, Apple has changed their hardware design philosophy from a fairly open platform to a more proprietary and disposable one. They’ve eliminated the ability to change or upgrade components. The 3rd generation MacBooks have a battery that is glued in place, the memory is soldered directly to the logic board. Later models would come with the hard drive soldered down as well.

Lyle Wiens of iFixIt, said it best in 2012

When Apple dropped the MacBook Air to $999 in 2010 to match the price point of the MacBook, they gave users a clear choice: the thin, light, and un-upgradeable MacBook Air or the heavier, longer lasting, [upgradable], more rugged, and more powerful MacBook. Same price, two very different products. At the time, I wasn’t very happy with the non-upgradeable RAM on the MacBook Air, but I respected that Apple had given their users a choice. It was up to us: Did we want a machine that would be stuck with 2GB of RAM forever? Would we support laptops that required replacement every year or two as applications required more memory and batteries atrophied?

Consumers overwhelmingly voted yes, and the Air grew to take 40 percent of Apple’s notebook sales by the end of 2010.

This sort of vendor-lock down and planned-obsolecence has bothered me to such an extent that the next laptop I buy won’t be Apple hardware.

Meanwhile, Apple has secured an oligopoly in the market, they have such a dominant position with hardware manufacturers that they seem to be squeezing competitors out of getting access to top-quality components (or their competitors don’t care about quality). These manufacturers seem to be building computers with “Apples’ scraps and leftovers”.

Put simply; I don’t see any manufacturers building laptops at the same level of quality that Apple does, and yet, I can’t buy a product1 that is so tightly controlled. Finally, I refuse to buy a product that is designed to be obsolete in two years.

Why Arch?

I first started using Linux in 1997 when I bought a shrink-wrapped box of RedHat Linux 5.2. At the time, my internet connection was fast but not reliable enough to download the ISO image over a 1-day dial-up session. Since then I’ve tried Slackware, SuSE, Mandrake, Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu, CentOS, and Mint. I customized the hell out of my distros, I performance tweaked, secured and customized the GUI. Back then, information was hard to come by, the community was still small and poorly documented, and that hardly mattered when I couldn’t access the internet because my ethernet card drivers wouldn’t compile.

Jen Andre sums it up best

You kids these days. You have it easy.

It was enjoyable for a while, but I got very busy and eventually came to the conclusion that “Linux is free if your time is worth nothing” and stuck with OS X. I would occasionally install and try a different distro just to see if the OSS operating system world had changed, but that was about it.

Arch is different however. Arch gets it, Arch gets it right. Arch is what I was searching for all those years.

  1. A rolling release cycle keeps everything fresh
  2. I’m a huge advocate for their KISS Principal: Keep it Simple…
  3. The documentation is widely regarded as the best source of info on GNU/linux
  4. The Core package repository is very well maintained and trusted
  5. The User package repository is great at providing pretty much everything you could need or want
  6. Its designed for people who want to understand and build a system from the ground up. Install only what you know, only what you understand. It doesn’t hide anything behind assumptions, scripts or fancy installers.

Arch is like a sandbox, they provide the box and a source of sand (the Core and User package repos), but it’s up to you to fill it and build your castle.

Why Awesome?

Like the topic of GNU/Linux distros, I could spend an entire post talking about why I settled on Awesome. I’ve tried GNOME, KDE, even Enlightenment. They all are trying to do more than I need, are too influenced by the design of the Big Desktop players and pander to novices at the expense of the power users.

All I really need is a quick way to switch between windows and resize them as needed and for it to be fast. The focus of the window manager is the application contents, not the chrome eye-candy around the edges of the window.

Awesome was designed for this.

So, this guide is going to install Awesome as it’s window manager. Feel free to switch it out for whatever you prefer. i3, xmonad and DWM are all similar in design.

Preparing to Install Arch

When doing this article, I found many other articles very useful. They are listed in References. Please refer to them if needed. I will attempt to both update and condense these articles to a single “Be-all End-all Guide” to MacBook installation.

Getting the Installation Media

First, we need to get Arch Linux ISO from Arch Linux, Go here to download it

I usually go with the torrent option. It’s the fastest.

Next, we’re just going to make sure the download wasn’t corrupted or tampered with in transit. To make this possible, the Arch Linux ISO publisher has posted a cryptographic hash of the ISO. We can compare the hash of the ISO they published against the hash of the ISO we downloaded. If the hash is identical, we know the contents are exactly the same. Start the terminal and run the following:

sha1sum <FILE>.iso

Next, we want to make sure the the ISO we’ve downloaded is provably supplied by the Arch Linux team. We can do this by verifying the cryptographic signature they provided with the ISO. The Arch team cryptographically signs their ISO images using public-key cryptography. This ensures that the ISO file we’ve downloaded is verifiably provided by the Arch Linux team, and not an impostor.

This assumes you have GnuPG installed on your system (brew install gnupg). On the ISO download page, there is a link under “Checksums” to get the PGP signature as a .sig file. Download that into the same directory as your Arch ISO. Then run the following, replacing the filename (here i use archlinux-2016-02-01-dual.iso) with the name of the files you’ve downloaded:

gpg --verify \
    archlinux-2016.02.01-dual.iso.sig \
    archlinux-2016.02.01-dual.iso 2>&1 | \
    grep 'key ID' | \
    gpg --recv-keys 2>&1 `awk '{print $NF}'` && \
gpg --verify archlinux-2016.02.01-dual.iso.sig \
    archlinux-2016.02.01-dual.iso 2>&1 | grep 'signature from'

This will first attempt to verify the signature, and if you don’t have the signers key, it’ll retrieve it. It’ll then try to verify it again, and should print out “Good signature” if it succeeds. If you get “Bad signature” this means the ISO has either been forged by an impostor pretending to be the Arch linux team, or someone has tampered with the ISO stored on their servers or in transit. If thats the case, you need to find an alternate source to download the ISO.

Preparing the Installation USB Drive

This installation method will first create a bootable USB stick, which is used to boot into a “Live” Arch Linux session. From there, we use the Live Arch Linux to install Arch onto your MacBook hard drive, then make that partition bootable.

If you’re currently running a GNU/Linux system, follow the instructions in Part A. If you’re running OS X, jump one section ahead to Part B.

Part A - Preparing the Installation USB Drive for Linux

If you’re already on a GNU/Linux system, use these instructions to create USB bootable Arch Linux live system.

Now we’re ready to get that ISO onto a USB drive so we can boot the computer from it. Before inserting the thumb drive, run lsblk and take note of the drives listed. Insert the drive and run lsblk again. Take note of the new letter in the sdX list of drives.

Replace the X with the letter on your system. Be sure to unmount the new drive.

umount /dev/sdX

Next, run the following command, it reads the ISO file you downloaded earlier and writes the contents directly to the USB drive, without the operating system buffering the writes. Replace the X with the letter of the USB stick you took note of earlier, and ARCHLINUX with the name of the image file you downloaded.

dd if=ARCHLINUX.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M

After that’s run, the USB drive should be ready to boot from.

Part B - Preparing the Installation USB Drive for OSX

Now we’re ready to get that ISO onto a USB drive so we can boot the computer from it. Before inserting the thumb drive, run diskutil list and take note of the drives listed. You should see output similar to this:

       #:                       TYPE NAME          SIZE       IDENTIFIER
       0:      GUID_partition_scheme               500.1 GB   disk0
       1:                        EFI               209.7 MB   disk0s1
       2:          Apple_CoreStorage               399.5 GB   disk0s2
       3:                 Apple_Boot Recovery HD   650.0 MB   disk0s3
       5:                 Apple_Boot Boot OS X     134.2 MB   disk0s5
       #:                       TYPE NAME          SIZE       IDENTIFIER
       0:                  Apple_HFS MacOSX        399.2 GB   disk1

Insert the drive and run diskutil list again. Take note of the new letter in the sdX list of drives.

       #:                       TYPE NAME          SIZE       IDENTIFIER
       0:      GUID_partition_scheme               500.1 GB   disk0
       1:                        EFI               209.7 MB   disk0s1
       2:          Apple_CoreStorage               399.5 GB   disk0s2
       3:                 Apple_Boot Recovery HD   650.0 MB   disk0s3
       5:                 Apple_Boot Boot OS X     134.2 MB   disk0s5
       #:                       TYPE NAME          SIZE       IDENTIFIER
       0:                  Apple_HFS MacOSX        399.2 GB   disk1
       #:                       TYPE NAME          SIZE       IDENTIFIER
       0:      GUID_partition_scheme               2.0 GB     disk2
       1:       Microsoft Basic Data UNTITLED 1    2.0 GB     disk2s1

Note /dev/diskX has appeared (‘X’ will be a number on your system), this new disk is the USB thumb drive. Important take note of the number of this drive.

We’re going to remove the existing partitions and erase all the data so its clean for our Arch Linux installer. This will delete all the data on the USB drive. Make sure to substitute /dev/diskX for the drive number you noted above.

diskutil partitionDisk /dev/diskX 1 "Free Space" "unused" "100%"

Now2 we can write the iso file to the USB drive. Note We use /dev/rdisk* instead of /dev/disk because it provides Raw disk access without the typical buffering the operating systemprovides. Substitute DESTINATION with the name of the iso file you downloaded earlier, and substitute the X with the number of the drive.

dd if=DESTINATION.iso of=/dev/rdiskX bs=1m

The dd command does not show any output before it has finished the copy process, so be patient and wait for it to complete, it can take around 1 - 5 minutes. When the command does complete OS X will try to mount the drive and fail as it won’t recognize the formatting. Click ignore.

Installing Arch

With the USB drive plugged in, restart the MacBook and press+hold down the left option/alt key when you hear the startup chime. Hold the option key down until the drive screen appears.

The USB drive should be one of the options. Pick it along with the first option the following boot screen lists. Now you should be at the Arch live install prompt and it’ll look like this:

    Arch Linux 3.17.6-1-ARCH (tty1)

    archiso login: root (automatic login)
    root@archiso ~ #

You are now running a “Live” session of Arch Linux from the USB stick.

If you’re on a HiDPI / “Retina” display MacBook, the prompt is really small. Increase the font-size using setfont sun12x22.

Test Internet

You’ll need a working Internet connection to do the post-install. My MacBook Pro 7,1 and 8,2 both have Ethernet ports, but some of you will have later models without one. You should get a USB-Ethernet adapter. Its much easier than fiddling with wireless drivers as it works out of the box. We’ll setup the wireless drivers later in this article.

First, we need to get an IP address from your router:


With the adapter plugged in and an IP address, make sure internet is flowing by pinging Google:

ping -c 3

You should get a response that all three packets were sent and received.

Set the System Clock

The system clock should be just fine. The general Arch wiki recommends ensuring the system clock is accurate, and I’ve found it doesn’t seem to break anything. So, I run it:

timedatectl set-ntp true

Partition the Hard Drive

A partition is basically a box on the hard drive to put files into. OS X has a box for its files, and we’re going to create box(es) for GNU/Linux. Partitioning the hard drive takes existing data on the drive and moves or erases it to make space available for other file systems.

This part is the trickiest because it can erase data on the disk, so take care.

Apple uses the GUID Partition Table (GPT), and we’re going to keep that partition table.

In order to proceed you’ll need to know the drive mapping scheme, we’ll use fdisk to check the scheme:

fdisk -l

This lists the existing partitions. If you created two partitions when preparing the MacBook, you should see a partition with a Type of Apple HFS/HFS+ with a size that matches the size you set aside for Arch. In my case this was /dev/sda5. All the partitioning commands below will use /dev/sda5, you should substitute the designation for your drive.

Lets use cgdisk to view the partition table on the attached devices: Replace the Y with the drive you’ll be using to install Arch Linux.

cgdisk /dev/sdY

At the end of the partition table should be the free space you set aside for installing Arch. With that space, we’re going to create a new partition. You just need to make one partition; we’re going to break it into sub-partitions later; after encryption is setup.

I added 128MB between the last partition and my new partition because of this explanation by Apple.

Note: We leave free space after each partition to make it easier for future system software to manipulate the partition map in ways that we can’t anticipate currently.

Begin by deleting the HFS partition created when you set aside space in OS X for Arch Linux.

In order to leave additional space, just type +128M when you create the new partition, and it’ll set the starting sector at a point 128M away from the ending sector of the partition before it.

You’ll want to use Linux LVM (8e00) as the partition type id. The final partition table will look something like this:

    Part. #     Size        Partition Type            Partition Name
    3.0 KiB      free space
    1        200.0 MiB      EFI System                EFI System Partition
    2         74.5 GiB      Apple HFS/HFS+            Macintosh HD
    128.0 MiB      free space
    3        391.1 GiB      Linux LVM                 ArchLinux

Then use the utility to select Write and then confirm that you want to overwrite the disk. Once the display returns you can Quit.

Running fdisk -l again should show your new partition scheme. If it doesn’t look like you want or expected, repeat the cgdisk process to fix things until you’re satisfied.

Configuring Drive Encryption and LVM

You’ll want to make note of the partition number you just created. For me it’s partition 5, and the drive is sda, so my Arch Linux partition can be found at /dev/sda5. I’ll be using that as an example going forward, but you should substitute your own drive path.

We’re going to encrypt /dev/sda5 using DM-Crypt and then the LVM partitions are going to be created over that LUKS encryption layer. This system is called “LVM on LUKS.” Both LUKS encryption and LVM support are provided by the GNU/Linux kernel.

Note This will just encrypt the system / and /home directories. The /boot directory will not be encrypted because we’re going to keep the existing /boot partition: That’s /dev/sda1 in my partition table above.

If you want to use custom ciphers, there are some great notes available on GitHub. You can also use the following command for speed benchmarking to help determine which ciphers and key-sizes are fast enough for your particular use case:

cryptsetup benchmark

Time to pick the encryption flavors! The default values for the cipher and key sizes were a bit too light for my tastes (in light of the NSA spying scandal). I’ve increased these numbers above the defaults, I’ve chosen to balance my principals for privacy and security with practical usability and speed. Feel free to read more on these settings.

cryptsetup --cipher aes-xts-plain64 \
  --key-size 512 \
  --hash sha256 \
  --iter-time 3000 \
  --use-random \
  --verify-passphrase \
  luksFormat /dev/sda5

Enter in a good passphrase (twice), and we should be good to go.

Now with the encryption setup, we’re going to create the necessary volumes and filesystems within the LVM.

First, let’s open up our encrypted partition:

cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda5 lvm

This is going to map our encrypted device (/dev/sda5 in my case) to /dev/mapper/lvm. Now we’re going to create the physical and logical volumes for the / and /home directories. I gave the / directory 40GB (hopefully enough for all my programs. As of writing this, and with a full install, I’m using 10GB on my / directory. So, I think I’m good.

Create the physical volume:

pvcreate /dev/mapper/lvm

Now create the volume with the name vgcrypt:

vgcreate vgcrypt /dev/mapper/lvm

We’re ready to create the logical volumes now, 40GB for root and the rest for users’ home, change 40GB accordingly:

lvcreate --size 40G --name root vgcrypt
lvcreate --extents +100%FREE --name home vgcrypt

We now have our two volumes vgcrypt-root and vgcrypt-home. They need to be formatted to a particular filesystem. I’ve been happy with the ext4 filesystem.

mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/vgcrypt-root
mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/vgcrypt-home

We can now mount these new partitions. Make sure to mount the root partition first so we can create the /home directory inside of it for the home partition:

mount /dev/mapper/vgcrypt-root /mnt
mkdir -p /mnt/home
mount /dev/mapper/vgcrypt-home /mnt/home

Lets also mount our boot partition, while we’re here. This is required so our bootable initramfs can be written to the boot drive:

mkdir -p /mnt/boot
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot

If you’re interested in swap partition schemes, check this script out − although I’m fine without swap partitions (Its faster with enough RAM).

And with that, Arch is now ready to be installed on the disk.

Select a Mirror

This step can optionally be skipped, but I prefer to choose a US server just in case it may be faster. Open up the mirrorlist:

vi /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Delete or comment out all the servers except one or two near you that seem good.

Install the Base System

Actually installing Arch Linux onto the drive is the easiest part:

pacstrap -i /mnt base base-devel terminus-font

The -i flag asks for confirmation before installing packages. I like using it just so I can see what’s being installed. (After all that’s part of the reason for using GNU/Linux, right? To know what’s being installed on your system.)

This installation includes terminus-font, which we’ll configure to be the default console font later on.

Generate the fstab

If all went according to plan, Arch has been written to the hard drive and is now installed. Before rebooting into our installation, though, we need to tell the system where to find the filesystems we created earlier for root and home directories.

While it’s normally a good idea to use UUIDs to find disks, we’re going to use labels. This is because our encryption setup generates random IDs for the disks when they’re decrypted. Let’s create the fstab file:

genfstab -L -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab

The -L flag will generate the fstab file with labels instead of UUIDs. The -p flag prevents pseudo-filesystems from being added.

Always check the generated fstab:

cat /mnt/etc/fstab

It should look something like this:

# /etc/fstab: static file system information
# <file system>    <dir><type><options>             <dump><pass>
# /dev/mapper/vgcrypt-root
/dev/mapper/vgcrypt-root    /           ext4   discard,rw,relatime,data=ordered    0 1

# /dev/mapper/vgcrypt-home
/dev/mapper/vgcrypt-home    /home       ext4   discard,rw,relatime,data=ordered    0 2

Note If your hard drive is a solid-state drive (SSD) and the discard option isn’t there, edit the fstab file and add it. It’s used for optimizing for the speed of SSDs.

Configure The System

We’re now ready to configure our new system. Let’s change root into it:

arch-chroot /mnt /bin/bash

Set our system locale. I’m in the US, so I’ll only uncomment that locale from /etc/locale.gen:

en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
en_US ISO-8859-1

Now generate the locales:


Make English UTF-8 the default:

echo LANG=en_US.UTF-8 > /etc/locale.conf

The default font in the virtual console is not very readable, so lets use one that is far more readable. We’re going to use the typeface “Terminus” in size 18 that we installed with the base system earlier. ter-118n basically means “Terminus latin-1 size 18 Normal”. There are other sizes available: 12, 14, 16, 20, 22, 24, 28, 32 as well as support for multiple non-English code pages.

echo FONT=ter-118n > /etc/vconsole.conf

Set the timezone accordingly. (I live on the east coast):

ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York /etc/localtime

And set the time to the standard UTC:

hwclock --systohc --utc

Because we’ve encrypted our root disk, we need to make sure the kernel loads the proper modules to decrypt it on startup. Otherwise we won’t be able to boot from the unencrypted drive. We’re also going to tell the boot-sequence to load our custom font and keyboard module so we can type our passwords during boot. Edit /etc/mkinitcpio.conf and add the hooks consolefont keyboard encrypt lvm2 BEFORE filesystems so the HOOKS line looks like this:

HOOKS="base udev autodetect modconf block consolefont keyboard usbinput encrypt lvm2 filesystems fsck"

Now we need to regenerate the initramfs image:

mkinitcpio -p linux

So that Internet will work on reboot, we need to enable the dhcpcd service. We’re going to keep using the ethernet-USB adapter for right now. We’ll get wireless setup later. Get the name of the ethernet interface:

ip link

It should be enp-something. With that, enable the service, make sure you replace INTERFACE with your interfaces name.

systemctl enable dhcpcd@INTERFACE.service

Finally, let’s configure the machine’s hostname. You can change macbook to whatever you’d like:

echo macbook > /etc/hostname

Add this hostname to the list of hosts. Edit /etc/hosts and edit so it looks something like this:

# /etc/hosts: static lookup table for host names

#<ip-address>   <>   <hostname>   localhost.localdomain   localhost   macbook
::1     localhost.localdomain   localhost   macbook

Set a root password:


Create a non-root user for yourself and set the user’s password, replace USER with the username of your choosing:

useradd --create-home --groups wheel --shell /bin/bash USER
passwd USER

This will create the user, add it to the group wheel (traditional group of users who can run sudo commands), create a home directory under /home/USER/ and make his default shell bash then set a default password for the user.

Don’t switch to the new user yet, because we’e added USER to the group wheel, lets grant the wheel group sudo privileges. Run:


And uncomment the following line so it looks like so:

%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL

Boot Loader

Now we need to let the boot loader know where to find our new Arch Linux installation. systemd (was recently renamed, was Gummiboot) is a nice, simple boot loader.

# pacman -S systemd              # May be systemd-boot, included in core?
mkdir -p /boot/loader/entries

Setup the loader to default to arch and set the number of seconds to timeout in the file /boot/loader/loader.conf:

default arch
timeout 3

Make sure the correct boot partition (/dev/sda1 in my case) is mounted on /boot by running:

findmnt /boot
/boot  /dev/sda1 vfat   rw,relatime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,err

Now we’re going to create an entry called /boot/loader/entries/arch.conf that looks like this:

# /boot/loader/entries/arch.conf
title   Arch Linux
linux   /vmlinuz-linux
initrd  /initramfs-linux.img
options cryptdevice=/dev/sdaX:vgcrypt:allow-discards root=/dev/mapper/vgcrypt-root rw

Note:3 On the options line, make sure you replace /dev/sdaX with the path to the encrypted linux partition we previously created on your device (It was /dev/sda5 in this guide). Additionally, if your drive is not a SSD, make sure to remove :allow-discards.

Note:4 Its been reported by some users that when booting to USB, the USB drive is assigned device id /dev/sda and the hard drive to /dev/sdb. When rebooting without USB drive (boot to new encrypted linux drive partition), the hard drive is reassigned to device id /dev/sda which may invalidate the above arch.conf boot loader entry. In this case, the encrypted linux partition will not boot because the boot loader config arch.conf is configured to boot from /dev/sdb. In this case you can reboot to USB again, and edit the options line in arch.conf to read /dev/sdaX. Replace X with your partition id.

Check the boot tree with tree /boot/ (If tree isn’t installed, install it with pacman -S tree). It should look something like this:

├── EFI
│   ├── APPLE
│   │   └── EXTENSIONS
│   │       └── Firmware.scap
│   ├── Boot
│   │   └── BOOTX64.EFI
│   └── gummiboot
│       └── gummibootx64.efi
├── initramfs-linux-fallback.img
├── initramfs-linux.img
├── loader
│   ├── entries
│   │   └── arch.conf
│   └── loader.conf
└── vmlinuz-linux

Note: At this point, you may want to enable suspend-to-disk (No power consumption aka “Hibernate” mode). I’ve chosen not to enable this functionality, but if you’re interested, you can read about it here.

Now we can have the bootloader write the initramfs onto the boot partition using bootctl, part of the systemd-boot package.

bootctl install

Reboot into New Installation

Let’s leave the chroot environment we used for the install:


You can umount and close the encrypted volume:

umount -R /mnt
cryptsetup close vgcrypt

It’s not a bad idea to just double check the encryption to make sure it opens and mounts properly:

cryptsetup open /dev/sda5 vgcrypt
mount /dev/mapper/vgcrypt /mnt

If all goes accordingly, you can unmount and close the encryption again. And finally…


On reboot you should be greeted with the boot menu. After selecting Arch (or waiting for it to timeout), you should be prompted for your password to decrypt the drive, and then it should boot into the console.

Configuring Arch

You should now be running Arch Linux! Lets customize it and make it more useful.

Install an Arch User Repository Package Manager

Now we’re about to dive deep into customizing Arch Linux installation with the utilities and application we’ll be using on a day-to-day basis. To facilitate installing packages from the wider Arch User Repository (AUR), we’ll install a utility named yaourt. You can (of course) maintain AUR package installations manually, but I like a helper to help me manage them. yaourt is like the Homebrew of Arch Linux. I use yaourt because it’s easy to install, takes the same optional flags as pacman, and works well.

You need to use the “official” and manual way of installing AUR packages to get yaourt installed. It also requires package-query from the AUR, so we’re going to install that first.

Now we’re going to download the package-query AUR package, unarchive it, and use pacman to build and install the package. This allows us to manage the package as if it was installed with pacman, although we’re manually installing it.

$ cd ~
$ curl -L -O
$ tar -xvzf package-query.tar.gz
$ cd package-query

Within the packages’ folder, we’re going to run the following to build it:

$ makepkg -s

This will run as your regular user only asking you for your root password if necessary. With the package made, we can install it via pacman:

# pacman -U package-query-1.6.2-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz

Now we’ll do the same for yaourt:

$ cd ~
$ curl -L -O
$ tar -xvzf yaourt.tar.gz
$ cd yaourt
$ makepkg -s
# pacman -U yaourt-1.6-1-any.pkg.tar.xz

From now on you can use pacman and yaourt interchangeably… for the most part. yaourt will install Arch repository packages and AUR packages. pacman, though, will continue to only install Arch repository packages.

Configure Sound

ALSA works out of the box with Macs so install it via:

# pacman -S alsa-utils

Then use:


to control the speakers. Make sure to disable channels for speakers you don’t have. Test your speakers with:

speaker-test -c 2

where 2 is the number of speakers.

Install X and Video Drivers

As this is going to be a graphical interface, we need are graphics card up and running with the proper drivers. Luckily this machine uses Intel graphics, and Intel is pretty good about providing Linux (and sometimes open-source) drivers.

For Macbookpro 7,1 (Mid-2010 or 8,2 (Early-2011):

# pacman -S xf86-video-intel mesa-libgl libva-intel-driver libva

For Macbookpro 11,3 (Late-2013)5

# pacman -S nvidia mesa-libgl libva-intel-driver libva

The -S flag tells pacman to install the subsequent packages listed. (Again, you can use yaourt if you’d like.) This will install the Intel video driver, the Mesa OpenGL graphics library, and video acceleration API for Intel graphics chipsets. It’ll likely ask you to install additional dependencies. Get all the dependencies!

With the necessary drivers installed, we can get Xorg (or the X Window System) installed.

# pacman -S xorg-server xorg-server-utils xorg-xinit xterm

I like to install the Xorg utilities, too, because there are at least a couple I’ll use later (either in this guide or another) that are helpful in improving HiDPI support for the MacBook’s HiDPI Retina display.

Some GUI Applications

Next we’ll install a browser. This will install some typeface dependencies and font- rendering libraries that we’ll be tweaking later.

# pacman -S firefox

Improved Typography


It appears the package maintainer for Infinality has gone dark. Skip this section and continue to the next until there is a solution for better typography on the linux desktop.

If you use the web and appreciate typography, you’ll want to install a set of decent fonts.

Infinality is a package group that has been meticulously crafted from the ground-up to provide beautifully rendered typography to the Linux platform. The package maintainer spent a ton of time tearing down the existing font stack, and carefully rebuilding it to provide fast-rendering fonts that more faithfully present the typography than either Windows, OS X or Ubuntu systems. It also provides a set of preset-configurations that allow the user to switch to a Windows-like or OS X-like configuration. I highly recommend reading the documentation if you’d like to know more about typography rendering on GNU/Linux.

First add the following package repositories to /etc/pacman.conf.

    Server =$arch
    Server =

Next we’ll add the package maintainers PGP key to the package database, update the package database and install the packages.

# pacman-key -r 962DDE58
# pacman-key --lsign-key 962DDE58
# pacman -Syyu
# pacman -S infinality-bundle
# pacman -S infinality-bundle-fonts

Make sure to select the option fontconfig-infinality-ultimate as that configuration is the most clean, efficient and looks the best out of the box. The installation may ask to use the Infinality packages in place of the dependencies installed by Firefox. Choose the Infinality packages.

To enable selection of predefined font substitution styles and antialiasing settings, apart from the rendering settings of the engine itself. After doing so, you can select the font style (win7, winxp, osx, linux, …) with:

# fc-presets set

Window Manager Awesome

Awesome is a tiling window manager for the user that prefers keyboard commands to mouse or touchpad, and treats window chrome as needless ornamentation. Your application content is king, and efficiency is the goal. Its quick and light. Lets install the window manager (WM), awesome.

To install:

# pacman -S awesome

Added this7 to run awesome when x starts:

echo exec awesome > .xinitrc

Touchpad Support

You’ll probably want to use your MacBook’s touchpad when you have a GUI. The simplest driver is the synaptics driver:

# pacman -S xf86-input-synaptics

The following config at /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/70-synaptics.conf works well for me, it uses the same “Natural Motion” that OS X does. Copy that file to the following location /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/70-synaptics.conf and add the options between the START and END comments.

Section "InputClass"
    MatchIsTouchpad "on"
    Identifier      "touchpad catchall"
    Driver          "synaptics"

    # START: Add these options
    # 1 = left, 2 = right, 3 = middle
    Option          "TapButton1" "1"
    Option          "TapButton2" "3"
    Option          "TapButton3" "2"
    # Palm detection
    Option          "PalmDetect" "1"
    # Horizontal scrolling
    Option "HorizTwoFingerScroll" "1"
    Option "VertTwoFingerScroll" "on"
    # Natural Scrolling (and speed)
    Option "VertScrollDelta" "-450"
    Option "HorizScrollDelta" "-450"
    # END

Configuring Wireless

Before rebooting into our lovely new GUI, let’s get wireless setup to work when we reboot.

This particular machine has the Broadcom BCM4360 wireless chipset. Broadcom has been pretty mixed in the FLOSS support it seems. The BCM4360 is not supported by the kernel itself, so we’ll need to use Broadcom’s non-free, non-open driver: broadcom-wl. I actually don’t think this even officially supports the BCM4360 chipset, but it works well enough. We’ll need to install the AUR package:

$ yaourt -S broadcom-wl dialog wpa_supplicant

And activate the kernel module:

# modprobe wl

Note: If you update to a newer kernel in the future, you may need to uninstall and reinstall the broadcom-wl package so it updates with the new linux-header.

We need to stop the dhcpcd service we were using for the ethernet and start the wifi-menu1 utility. Keeping both running can cause conflicts.

# systemctl disable dhcpcd.service
# wifi-menu

This will create and enable a systemd service that will start when the computer boots. Changes to the profile file will not propagate to the service file automatically. After such changes, it is necessary to reenable the profile:

# netctl reenable PROFILE

After enabling a profile, it will be started at next boot.

Finally, if you find your wireless is dropping connections, you may find turning off Wi-Fi power management. Simply create this as an executable ( chmod +x /etc/pm/wireless and add the following contents:

iwconfig wlp2s0 power off


Now when you reboot, you should be all set to go start customizing to your heart’s content, adding applications as you’d like, and playing around with your new Arch Linux box with Awesome.s

Fine Tuning

Power settings took quite a bit of tweaking. Without these setting, the laptop ran very hot, and drained battery life very fast. I would recommend following these steps to improve battery life. There still may be room for improvement, though.

One more thing: If you search “MacBook Pro and Arch Linux” you’ll probably read some things about disabling ACPI interrupts that were causing overheating and high CPU usage. If you have updated to the latest version of OS X 10.10 “Yosemite” then you should be OK to skip.

Display Color Profile

I noticed that colors seemed washed-out in Arch Linux, so this task will attempt to color-correct the display. Luckily a utility xcalib exists that can load color profiles from OS X as X options. This should give you true color-parity between operating systems.

First, boot into OS X and copy the color profiles located in /Library/ColorSync/Profiles/Displays to somewhere so you can boot into GNU/Linux and copy them into your home directory. I created a directory named ~/.colorprofiles for these files.

Second, install the xcalib package from the Arch AUR.

yaourt -S xcalib

Finally you can activate it by running:

xcalib ~/.colorprofiles/FILENAME.icc

Where FILENAME is the path to your color profile file.

To load this color profile when X starts, I also added this command to the .xinitrc file in my home directory. Just make sure you replace FILENAME with the name of your color-profile .icc file exported from OS X.

if [ `type -P xcalib` ]; then
  # Use the color profile
  xcalib ~/.colorprofiles/FILENAME.icc

Display Color Correction

If you spend as many hours looking at the display as I do, you’ll quickly appreciate a display that adapts its colors to the time of day. F.lux adjusts monitor color temperature adaptively to ease eye strain.

yaourt -S xfluxd

Then edit /etc/xfluxd.conf to set your rough lat/long coordinates (in decimal format) in order to correctly shift the color correction with the sunrise and sunset.

Finally, enable and start the xfluxd service. Note you should run this as your normal user, not as root.

systemctl enable --user xfluxd
systemctl start --user xfluxd

Power Management

The power management from Arch out of the box is not very good. There are a few good tools out there, but PowerTOP is nice because of its benchmarking utilities8.

PowerTOP is a tool provided by Intel to enable various powersaving modes in userspace, kernel and hardware. It is possible to monitor processes and show which of them are utilizing the CPU and wake it from its Idle-States, allowing you to identify applications with particular high power demands.

yaourt -S powertop

You may want to put your laptop on battery power and calibrate powertop:

# powertop --calibrate

That’ll cause the screen to blackout from time to time. Just let it run. It takes a few minutes then your screen will come back on.

You can create a systemd service that will launch powertop’s autotune settings on startup.

# /etc/systemd/system/powertop.service

Description=Powertop tunings

ExecStart=/usr/bin/powertop --auto-tune


And enable it to automatically start at boot time, then start it for your
current boot session.
# systemctl enable powertop.service
# systemctl start powertop.service

Laptop Mode Tools

Laptop Mode Tools9 is a laptop power saving package for Linux systems. It is the primary way to enable the Laptop Mode feature of the Linux kernel, which allows you to tweak a number of other power-related settings using a simple configuration file. Combined with acpid and CPU frequency scaling, LMT provides a complete notebook power management suite.

$ yaourt -S laptop-mode-tools

If you want to enable laptop mode even on AC power, because you run the laptop attached to an external keyboard and monitor, edit:

# /etc/laptop-mode/laptop-mode.conf`:

We’re going to disable LMT from handling CPU frequency scaling since we’ve setup cpupower to handle that:

# /etc/laptop-mode/conf.d/cpufreq.conf

and disable Intel pstate handling as well:

# /etc/laptop-mode/conf.d/intel_pstate.conf

Finally, enable and start the systemd service:

# systemctl enable laptop-mode.service
# systemctl start  laptop-mode.service


A very useful tool is from the acpi package, which provides battery information using the command acpi -v. To install:

# pacman -S acpi

acpid is an extensible daemon for handling ACPI events. It can run commands when the laptop lid is closed, etc.

# pacman -S acpid
# systemctl enable acpid.service
# systemctl start  acpid.service

CPU Frequency Scaling

Another utility that will help with CPU frequency scaling is cpupower, it provides useful CLI utilities and a systemd service to change the CPU governor at boot.

$ yaourt -S cpupower
# systemctl enable cpupower
# systemctl start cpupower

I use cpupower to modulate the CPU’s speeds. This keeps CPU in check from maxing out at all times. My cpupower config file at /etc/default/cpupower has the following line changed:


You should adjust this setting to your own needs.

Temperature Management

Intel provides a daemon that will keep tabs on the CPUs’ temperature and adjust settings to keep it from getting too hot, its called thermald.

$ yaourt -S thermald
# systemctl enable thermald.service
# systemctl start thermald.service

Fan Control

Finally, the kernel doesn’t seem to have very fine control over the MacBook’s fan. The following script helps add fine-tuning for the fan that will increase its baseline speed and ramp it up gently, so it’s not an all-or-nothing kind of setup.

$ yaourt -S mbpfan-git
# systemctl enable mbpfan.service
# systemctl start mbpfan.service

By default the service runs in verbose mode which adds tons of output to the system journal. It basically works by measuring the CPU temp, adjusting the fan speed accordingly, and then sleeping for a given number of seconds. With verbose mode on, it logs its wakeup every few seconds. That means a lot of writing to the journal. So I changed the service under /usr/lib/systemd/system/mbpfan.service so the following line reads like so:

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/mbpfan -f

Apple Keyboard

To get the fn keys working in X, we will install xbindkeys which helps bind keyboard keys to commands. We will bind keys for volume, keyboard and display brightness.

# pacman -S xbindkeys
yaourt -S xorg-xbacklight kbdlight

Create your configuration file for xbindkeys: .xbindkeysrc

# Increase volume 5% with Apple volume up
"amixer set Master playback 5%+"
    m:0x0 + c:123
# Increase volume 5% with F12
"amixer set Master playback 5%+"
    m:0x0 + c:96

# Decrease volume 5% with Apple volume down
"amixer set Master playback 5%-"
    m:0x0 + c:122
# Decrease volume 5% with F11
"amixer set Master playback 5%-"
    m:0x0 + c:95

# Mute with Apple mute
"amixer set Master toggle"
    m:0x0 + c:121
# Mute with F10
"amixer set Master toggle"
    m:0x0 + c:76

# Suspend system
"systemctl suspend"
    m:0x0 + Mod4 + c:107
    Mod4 + XF86Eject

# Dim keyboard
"kbdlight down"
    m:0x0 + c:237

# Brighten keyboard
"kbdlight up"
    m:0x0 + c:238

Next we’ll auto-start xbindkeys when X starts, add this to your .xinitrc file:

if [ `type -P xbindkeys` ]; then
  # Load custom keyboard key bindings

Apple Trackpad

Finally10, we’ll setup a Bluetooth Apple Trackpad. To do this, we’ll install some bluetooth core utilities

# pacman -S bluez bluez-utils
# modprobe btusb  # Make sure bluetooth kernel module is loaded
# systemctl enable bluetooth.service  # Start bluetooth on reboot
# systemctl start bluetooth.service

To actually connect to the Trackpad, we’ll use the bluetoothctl interactive utility to scan-for, discover, pair and connect to the Trackpad. (If your Trackpad is already paired with another device, make sure to turn it off, then long-hold the power button until the LED flashes.)

$ bluetoothctl
> power on
> scan on
> agent on
> devices    # You should see the MAC address of your Trackpad appear if its in discoverable mode
> pair mac 28:37:37:2B:42:7A
> connect 28:37:37:2B:42:7A

Then we’ll setup some udev rules so USB Bluetooth is activated and loade when the system boots up.

# /etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules
# Set bluetooth power up
ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="hci0", RUN+="/usr/bin/hciconfig hci0 up"


Wrapping up, I have nothing to add other than what you do with your system is up to you.


The following articles were very useful in providing some help and inspiration.

Any changes to this article will be annotated with a footnote and explained here.


  1. March 6, 2016: Previously used NetworkManager to detect and connect to WiFi networks, but have changed to use netctl and wifi-menu as these commands are more low-level and have fewer dependencies. 2

  2. March 14, 2016: Thanks Fr0gm4n for suggestions simplifying the writing of iso images to USB.

  3. April 2, 2016: Thanks Perceptes for helping to clarify the text explaining how to configure the bootloader.

  4. December 2, 2016: Thanks to Joshua Brown for clarifications to writing the bootloader line.

  5. July 28, 2016: Updated to support Macbookpro 11,3 devices with NVidia cards. This device uses NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M (Codename NVE7/GK107).

  6. February 6, 2017: If anyone has a solution to the loss of Infinality bundle typography, please drop me a line.

  7. March 18, 2016: Changed references to .Xinitrc to the correct filename, .xinitrc.

  8. March 8, 2016: Previously omitted the -S option in yaourt, fixed.

  9. March 24, 2016: Added two new sections documenting Laptop Mode Tools and acpid.

  10. March 8, 2016: Added a section covering the Apple Trackpad.